2025 QUILT SHOW CHALLENGESDo you need some inspiration for your next project? Consider participating in one of our quilt show challenges! See below for guidelines for each of this year's challenges. Completed projects should be entered into the quilt show in the category for the particular challenge. Entries are displayed together at the quilt show and viewer's choice ribbons awarded for each challenge category. It is a lot of fun to see how each person has interpreted the challenge! If you have any questions about a challenge, contact the appropriate chair listed below. |
GUILD CHALLENGEChair: Beverly SpursTheme: What’s on Your (Barn) Wall?
The challenge this time is to make a quilt out of one very large quilt square. It must be between 36 to 40 inches square with minimal or no borders. You will be using your own fabric, and you may use as many fabrics as you like. However, each fabric must read as “solid”. This means using solids, tone-on-tones, batiks, hand-dyed fabrics, etc. |
The Art Quilt Association (AQuA) defines an art quilt as: "... an original exploration of a concept or idea rather than the handing down of a “pattern”. It experiments with textile manipulation, color, texture and/or a diversity of mixed media. An Art Quilt often pushes quilt world boundaries. An Art Quilt should consist predominately of fiber or a fiber-like material with one or multiple layers which are held together with stitches or piercing of the layers." For this challenge, your quilt should represent any place that is a home for human, animal or critter. Put on your creative thinking cap! The perimeter of your project should be at least 60 inches with a maximum 120 inches. |
NOTE: Signups for 2025 are already complete. Look for an announcement for the 2026 signups in April or May of 2025, sometime after the quilt show. |